Announcements & Reminders
Click on each title to view additional details.
We would like to thank everyone that has so generously donated to our building upkeep and urgently needed repairs. With the funds raised so far, we were able to update our building electrical, and renovate the upstairs hall, not only updating the aesthetics, but also addressing hazards, now making it a safe and inviting space for our members and guests to enjoy.
We still have much needed building projects that need to be addressed, and the next focus is to update the kitchen area. Our appliances are well beyond their life expectancy and starting to fail. With further funds donated, we will be appropriating them towards the kitchen update.
If you find it in your heart to reach out, anything helps – there is no minimum amount. Billy has served the community for many many years, and now depends on the community for their generosity to help with the crucial repairs.
The link to the Go Fund Me page is located at the bottom of this post.
On behalf of your Branch Executive, thank-you! To those who have already donated we are so very grateful and THANK YOU!
We all know that nothing happens in isolation; it takes a community banding together to thrive. Please help us if you have the inclination, or a few hours a week to spare and/or any of the “special skills/experience” that may be identified below. Please contact us at: Thank-you!
Volunteers Required (for many different activities- always):
- to assist on event nights especially those nights with a dinner service, like our Traditional Roast Beef Dinners served on Saturdays. If you are able to help out please contact: Natasha Smiljanic at (778) 882-7808 or you can also send an email to
- to assist with the maintenance of our website
- to assist our very busy House and Grounds team; be it helping with a work party, wanting to prettify our outdoor patio, or providing specialized trade and maintenance skills. Please contact us at:
When you take back your recycling to a Return-It Express, please consider donating 1 or more bags to the Branch. Simply use our Phone Number 6047384142 for the clear sealed bag(s) tags. Click here for additional information on the Return-It Express program.
The environment and the branch thanks you!
The Kitchen Committee is asking for your feedback. They are thinking of changing the Billy Bistro Menu (keeping your favourites of course) and are open to hearing your suggestions! You can send an email (Subject line: ‘Billy Bistro Menu Feedback) to if you have any ideas. Thank-you!
June 04 2024 Vancouver, British Columbia Billy Bishop/Kerrisdale Legion
Roof Replacement Project
The last few years has seen the ability for seniors and veterans to be able to gather socially decline due to the Pandemic and availability of a safe and pleasant place to gather and enjoy camaraderie and social events. With that decline the ability to provide a safe and pleasant facility has also declined due to financial constraints for a number of required facility repairs.
The Billy Bishop/Kerrisdale Legion has received funding in part from the Government of Canada’s New Horizons for Seniors Program. The funds are be used to replace the Gable roof which is in need of repair and upgrade. This allows the branch to continue to provide a safe place for seniors and veterans to gather and engage in the surrounding community.
The Program is a federal grants and contributions program whose goal is to support projects that help improve the wellbeing of seniors and foster social inclusion and engagement in their communities.
“Wow, that is fantastic news!!!!! So happy to hear! The roof is a vital infrastructure and knowing it is repaired through the award of the New Horizon Grant is wonderful!”
Laura Lee Coles – Member Branch #176 and KPMHMS
“Without the assistance of the Federal Government’s New Horizons for Seniors grant, our “home away from home” would not be safe from the elements and the wear and tear of time.” “Our environment would not be dry, warm and healthy.” Our significant memorabilia was in serious danger of damage from the leaking roof.” The peace of mind of knowing our roof has now been repaired is rewarding. “ “Thank you.”
Valerie Merrett – Member Branch #176
Additional Information:
Backgrounder: New Horizons for Seniors Program
Programs and services for seniors
New Horizons for Seniors Program – Engaging seniors, strengthening communities
berships for new members are 1/2 price ($32.50)! Please see our bar staff or call us for details.

The branch recently engaged the services of “Absolute Roof Solutions” of Vancouver to inspect and repair our membrane flat roof. Their service from start to finish from all of their staff was commendable. The completeness of the job from starting photos to final photos provided and the excellent workmanship by Gregory Schrimbit was exceptional. We highly recommend this roofing company.
A great big thank you to Komo roofing for completing the replacement of the Gable Roof at the branch on time and on budget. Dealing with Kevin Luethi was a pleasure and seamless. The project was completed without interference with Branch Operations or with member access.
Our sincerest recommendations for workmanship, scheduling and all aspects before, during and after the project.
Please note that 2024 membership fees are now considered past due. They can now be paid at the bar or online. Membership dues remain at $65.00 payable by December 31, 2024.
Effective January 1, 2025 Membership Dues are $75.00
The winner of this year’s Early Bird Draw is Rebecca Frye. Rebecca’s 2026 membership dues are paid! Congratulations, Rebecca!
New and renewing members now have the option to choose either the traditional plastic card OR the new Digital Card that can be saved to your smart phone. To receive the Digital Card, you need an email address on your Legion membership profile.
Digital Legion Memberships
Click here to learn more.
. . . . . . . .
Our House and Grounds team is busy at work with anticipated needed work parties in the near future. We’ll keep you posted!
A HUGE THANK YOU – to all who volunteer their time and energy to the branch.
Your help is so greatly appreciated – THANK YOU!!
What's happening at the Billy/Kerrisdale?
Click on each “Happening” to view additional details.
Save the Dates
for our
“Special Happenings”
Superbowl LIX, February 9th, 2025
Valentines Dinner February 15th
Fish & Chips Dinner Nights
Movie Nights
Billy's Birthday Club
Superbowl LIX, February 9th, 2025
Valentines Dinner February 15th
Fish & Chips Dinner Nights
Next Fish & Chips Dinners:
February 12th,
February 26th,
March 12th,
March 26th
Reservations recommended – but not required
First come, first served basis
while quantities last
Movie Nights
Movie Nights
Every second Wednesday
February 19th – How Green Was My Valley (1941)
March 5th –Pulp Fiction (1994)
March 19th – The Great Gatsby (2013)
April 2nd – Singing in the Rain (1952)
April 16th – The Full Monty (1997)
Movie Nights are free of charge, including complimentary popcorn and are screened in the Upper Lounge.
Reservations are not required for Members or Guests. Regrettably though, due to licensing restrictions, minors are not allowed to attend.
Billy's Birthday Club
Let us help you celebrate your birthday
at the branch
Visit this link to review the Birthday Club guidelines
Weekly “Happenings”
Our Week - At a Glance
Fancy a Nosh? NEW Fall Menu Available Menu Thurs.- Sat.
Fun Drop-In Darts Wednesday Nights
Karaoke Fridays
Saturday Evening Meals
Meat Draws Sundays
Our Week - At a Glance
Fancy a Nosh? NEW Fall Menu Available Menu Thurs.- Sat.
The Kitchen is looking for your feedback! – Please check out Key General Information above.
Please Note: There will be NO FOOD SERVICE Saturday, December 28th, 2024 through to January 13th, 2025 as we close our Kitchen for much needed renovations.
We are also pleased to announce several new non-alcoholic beverage options are now available at the Branch including Guinness 0!
Fun Drop-In Darts Wednesday Nights
Usually starting approx. 6:30 for those who care to join.
Would you like to throw some sharp pointy objects with purpose while possibly winning prizes?
Our Wednesday evening Fun Darts is not affiliated with any dart league and is simply meant for fun and friendly competition for members and guests.
No long-term commitment required and we welcome all skill levels.
We can’t think of a better way to practice a skill, meet up with friends and have a wonderful time.
Sign-up is required (via email or at the bar)
Win a prize each week!
Monthly best score wins a grand prize
Karaoke Fridays
Karaoke is on with All Stars Karaoke!
Effective Dec. 13th,
start time is 8:00 pm
8:00 pm – Midnight
Please Note:
(Be “Centre Stage” for your turn in the spotlight!)

Saturday Evening Meals
We have changed our Dinner Reservation and Cancellation Policy. Please Review
Our traditional Roast Beef Dinner
Date to be announced

Meat Draws Sundays
Meat Draw
(neighbourhood & surrounding community)
is welcome to join us
The Meat Draw Mavens crew wish everyone a wonderful holiday season!
(most times with our special musical guest,
Jesse Arens)
Join the Meat Draw Mavens as we support our charities and you can take home dinner!
We have 4 draws each on the half-hour
starting at 4:30 pm.
Ticket sales begin at 4:00 pm.
Please note:
– Tickets to sell at 2 tickets for $1.00.
– We recommend patrons bring their own recyclable bags for winnings as we no longer provide single-use plastic shopping bags.
Monthly “Happenings”
New Members Welcome Evening
Ukelele Sing Alongs
50/50 Draw
New Members Welcome Evening
New Members Meet & Greet
(All members and guests welcome!)
First Tuesday of the Month
Next Event: Tuesday March 4th, 5:45 pm
Explore the rich history of the Billy Bishop Legion with an exclusive guided tour led by members of the Kits Point Military Museum. Come and meet fellow members, and some of the executive with complimentary snacks and drinks for our new members.
Tour to start promptly at 6:00 pm.
Don’t miss this chance to connect with fellow history enthusiasts, local neighbours and experience a piece of local heritage.
(And perhaps join in the bingo after……)
Ukelele Sing Alongs
7:00 – 9:00 pm
Next Scheduled Event:
Thursday, February 13, 2024
Join Joe Young and ukelele players of all experience levels for a fun Ukelele strum along and sing along at the Billy.
All are welcome (per our current rules).
50/50 Draw